I am an assistant professor in the Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute (HDSI) and affiliated with the ECE department, the CSE department, the Neurosciences Graduate program and the Institute for Neural Computation at UC San Diego. I am a member of the NSF TRIPODS institute for Emerging CORE Methods in Data Science (EnCORE). I am part of the Neurotheory Network and Pathways 2 AI. Before joining UCSD, I was a Gibbs Assistant Professor in the Applied Math program at Yale University, with Prof. Ronald Coifman's research group. I completed my PhD in Electrical Engineering in 2017 at the Technion under the supervision of Prof. Israel Cohen.
My research interests are Manifold learning, Diffusion geometry, Computational neuroscience, Image processing and graph signal processing and Applied harmonic analysis.
Alex Cloninger and I are looking to hire a motivated postdoc with a strong mathematical and computational background interested in the geometry of data in deep learning networks. Apply here.
- Continuous Partitioning for Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning accepted to NeurIPS!
- Random Walks, Conductance, and Resistance for the Connection Graph Laplacian published at SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
- Congrats to Jesse He for receiving the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship!
Talks and travel - 2024
- Geometry and Topology of High-Dimensional Biomedical Data Session, JMM, San Fransisco (Jan 5 2024)
- Winter School on Brains and Computation, UCSD (Jan 8 2024)
- Symposium on Machine Learning and Photonics in the Neurosciences, Neurophotonics Center, Boston University (Jan 17 2024)
- SPIE Neurotechnologies Plenary Session, Photonics West, SF (Jan 28 2024)
- Low-Dimensional Embeddings of High-Dimensional Data: Algorithms and Applications, Dagstuhl, Germany (Mar 17-22 2024)
- Signal Processing and Systems Seminar, Technion (March 27 2024)
- Statistics Seminar, Rice (April 15 2024)
- SCGB Annual Meeting, Flatiron Institute, NY (May 5-7 2024)
- Data sciEnce on GrAphS (DEGAS) seminar, virtual (May 22 2024)
- Computational Harmonic Analysis in Data Science and Machine Learning, Oaxaca, Mexico (Sep 15-20 2024)
- UCD4IDS workshop on Foundations of Data Science and Machine Learning, UC Davis (Sep 23-24 2024)
- SfN, Chicago (Oct 5-6 2024)
- SIAM MDS-24, Atlanta (Oct 22-24 2024)
- Fall 2024: DSC 40A Theoretical Foundations of Data Science I
- Fall 2023: DSC 120 Signal Processing for Data Analysis
- Fall 2023: DSC 205 Geometry of Data
- Fall 2023: DSC 180A Data Science Capstone Project
- Winter 2023: DSC 40A Theoretical Foundations of Data Science I
- Fall 2022: DSC 190 Network Science and Graph Theory
- Fall 2022: DSC 291 Geometry of Data
- Spring 2022: DSC 120 Signal Processing for Data Analysis
- Fall 2021: DSC 180A Data Science Capstone Project
- Winter 2021: DSC 40A Theoretical Foundations of Data Science I
- Winter 2021: DSC 180B Data Science Capstone Project
- Fall 2020: DSC 291 Geometry of Data
- Fall 2020: DSC 180A Data Science Capstone Project
- Spring 2020: DSC 120 Signal Processing for Data Analysis
- Fall 2019: CSE 291 Geometry of Data
- Spring 2019: MATH 222 Linear Algebra with Applications
- Spring 2018: AMTH 160 Structure of Networks